
Showing posts from January, 2018

Sapien (SPNICO): Take Control of Your Social Platform While Get Rewarded Cryptocurencies

What if you get rewarded for Social Media experience? this is all about it SPN is a flexible, ERC20-compliant cryptocurrency that will incentivize quality content, power all platform actions, and serve as the backbone of our tokenized economy. SPN derives its value from its ability to collaboratively distinguish high quality content. Implement mechanisms to promote quality contributions and reward users accordingly. Contributions are evaluated throughout the network, accumulating domain-specific reputation score. Within Sapien, reputation will mitigate trolling and reduce the spread of fake news. Reputation is inherent to the SPN token and thus not restricted to the platform. About Sapien A multitude of theories behind human intelligence suggest how fundamental social networks have been to the evolution of our species, Homo Sapiens. Whereas thousands of years ago the primary objective of interaction was survival, we now interact for numerous reasons, ranging from business to pl...

Arcblock A big portion for the ordinary people

Higher involvement The arcblock is not a mere cryptocurrency where traders will grasp little profits from. The concept is focused on areas where none of the earlier concepts could touch. Most of the concepts relating to cryptocurrencies focused mostly on whale investors on their projects. But the Ark focus not only upon the whale investors, the Ark crew focus a lot on ordinary people as well. The project is intending to produce a Fast secure Core technology and practical solutions for real people. Which will be helpful in increasing the involvement of community towards this project. As a result of this increased involvement, the entire crypto platform will be benefited which will result in the development of the mass economy. Ark, in a flash Ark crew is composed of representatives from all the spheres in the community. This is concentrating skills from all the spheres under a single platform. One of the most convincing features of the technology is the underlying t...

Smart Valley ICO Report

What is This All About? One would think that Smart Valley is about high-tech investment – in relation to Silicon Valley; alternatively, this unique platform presents an analog with broader applicability in crypto-investment. Connecting investors to right projects, reinforcing investment decisions, generate funds for crypto projects with the most promising prospects and preserving the integrity of ICO conventions throughout the globe. One of the most confusing state for cryptocurrency investors is the rigorous exercise in discerning which ICO would make it and if they are good for the short, mid or long-term investment. This would usually require doing a thorough assessment of whitepapers, company profile, tech support and team structure or even as far as looking out for influential advisors. Also, project developers tend to find it challenging when they are not appealing enough to members of the cryptocurrency space, especially when they don’t meet up with their expectation...

YourBlock-The Blockachain Empowers to Secure Private Personal Data

Introduction to YourBlock Let’s start with the introducation to this unique source, as their slogan states, YourBlock aims to build something amazing. The blockchain-based comparison and incentivized personal data storage platform is founded on the need for consumers to have somewhere safe and secure to store their data—data that they use on a daily basis to manage their everyday lives. According to their whitepaper, YourBlock seeks to initiate a blockchain-based Digital Filing cabinet that enables consumers to store, control, and manage their personal data. The platform combines the security, privacy, and scalability of private storage with the data integrity, immutability, and accountability of the public Ethereum blockchain. In the end, consumers will be able to interact securely with third parties, take up services, manage paperwork, communicate, and record communication. Toward Digital Revolution In a bid to reshape the way personal data works online, YourBlock aims...

Quantum1Net – A Whole New Generation Encryption

Their idea is that the basis of their idea is the RSA cryptographic platform. This cryptographic platform functioned well to protect the Internet and digital communications on a daily basis. It is very difficult to keep up with technology, which is developing rapidly every day. With the progress of digital technology, every piece of information is now stored in a computer environment. Previously, these were records / books. The encryption method, the so-called RSA, is used to ensure the security of information on the computer. RSA is the name of the encryption method found in 1977 by Ron Reeves, Adi Shamir and Leonard Aldemann. As the name of the program shows, it consists of the initials of the names of these founders. Today, the growing technology and growth of Quantum computers can pose a threat to RSA and other encryption programs. Hackers are now developing tools to crack the passwords of these systems. Thus, Quantum1net developed a new solution to this problem, ”  ...
LOOMIA LOOMIA is a technology соmраnу сrеаting innovation in ѕmаrt рrоduсtѕ and dаtа ѕеrviсеѕ ѕесurеd thrоugh blосkсhаin tесhnоlоgу. LOOMIA connect consumers and соmраniеѕ in a mutually bеnеfiсiаl аnd ѕеаmlеѕѕ exchange. Thе LOOMIA Elесtrоniс Lауеr (LEL) iѕ a soft, flеxiblе сirсuit that can bе embedded intо tеxtilеѕ, thаt mоvеѕ likе a piece оf fabric, but асtѕ like a circuit bоаrd. LEL’ѕ саn perform funсtiоnѕ ѕuсh аѕ hеаting, provide lighting, аnd ѕеnѕе/trаnѕfеr dаtа. The thin lауеr оf сirсuitrу can bе bоndеd tо everyday objects such аѕ сlоthing, саr intеriоrѕ, hаndbаgѕ, and оffiсе furniѕhing to bring funсtiоnаlitу tо everyday оbjесtѕ by collecting data frоm соnѕumеr hаbitѕ, inсluding frеԛuеnсу оf wear, location, lеvеl оf асtivitу, and tеmреrаturе. Market rеѕеаrсhеrѕ аnd industry ѕhiftѕ inсrеаѕinglу support thе соnсерt thаt Dаtа iѕ not оnlу the new оil, it iѕ аlѕо thе nеw сurrеnсу. Bеуоnd thаt, they ѕее an еxсiting opportunity tо ѕоlvе fashion’s 100B dоllаr problem аrоund invе...